Besemehi Taala
Dear All Salamalykom va rahmatollah
I am on a trip right now and I cannot write as much as I like in response to what Miniature, Passion, Suzi and Branch of Olive wrote in response to my last posting. But I just want to clarify few things here;
First: When I write something I am writing about my believs, right or wrong. These are what I beleive and do. I am telling you my experience in my life. I am not trying to say I am right and you are wrong, or you should accept or agree with what I say.
Second: I am not, at all, trying to TANEH BEZANAM BE KASSY. I have passed this stage for a long time now.
Third: More than anything else I beleive we should practice our English in this blog, and I do not agree that this blog is for everyone to get in. It is specially meant for our hamrahs to practice their English. So it is a bit private, and I am not trying to convey my thoughts to anyone in any way, I am just plainly trying to say what I feel just to have something to talk about. If someone brings up another issue I may also elaborate on that issue, if I have any knowledge or interest about it, otherwise I may only read it.
Fourth: I strongly recommend that we try to write in English because we are not trying to prove anything here. Of course this does not mean that we should say anything we want, or try to bring up issues which are questionable and things like that, but since we do not want to force our thoughts to others we can say these in English even though we feel we cannot say what we mean by that in plain English. Because I think we can say what we mean even we think we are week in English. If we do not observe this then the blog is going to change to a place for talking about different issues without thinking about its major aim which was and is learning English.
Fifth: When I say I am affraid of death I really mean that, and I am saying I am affraid of death. I am not saying that everyone is also affraid of death but they are saying something else because of, I don't know, some other reasons. I am just saying, plainly I am affraid of death and that' all. I just gave you one example and I will give you some more soon inshallah. Everyone else is free to think in other ways and I respect that. Actually I sometimes "GHEBTEH MIKHORAM" for those who can see life differently and have come to a stage to see the whole thing in a more rational way. I wish I was like them, but frankly I am not, and this is what I regret.
Sixth: When I said running with our head down, I meant not looking around or not seeing or knowing where we go. I did not think about being ASHAMED, even though I admit that this can also be applied. But this is not what I thought about it at first. I am going to think about that also later inshallah, because I think this is also a matter that can be considered
I will soon inshallah wirte more in response to our hamrahs comments on the issue of death. I ask every one of you please notify me if I am diverting from what I said here any time you feel I am doing that, because I am a human being and I make mistakes, and of course I am affraid more than anything else in my life.
Finally: I am sorry to use a lot of I here, this does not imply that I am somebody, it is because my English is not that good to write in a more appropriate way.
Finally 2: All I said was ONLY MY OWN THOUGHTS, NO OFFENCES, NO KENAYEH TO ANY ONE, It might be totally wrong or partially wrong, but certainly not completely true or right.