I think all the people while to run, this is important what for and who for?
Absolutely we came to this world that we run, and we do work’s, not be agreed that we sit Every one know’s that we are traveler, only this is important that in this world we have a productive travel and we can to take away beautiful memor’s notebook
I am sure everyone be creation for a aim , for example dr.ghahremani and dr.dostdar( I think) they are creation for give a gift light's to people.
I am sure everyone be creation for a aim , for example dr.ghahremani and dr.dostdar( I think) they are creation for give a gift light's to people.
Light’s that is the cause to be turned on a few places in we mind’s they are while run TOO.
that give a gift more light’s to people ( البته هر چه کنی به خود کنی )
This is important everyone to do work that he/she creation for it ,otherwise:
ما وقع لم یقصد و ما قصد لم یقع
For example , shohada they were creation to fall in love
Lover invisible’s and love so much inner being شعله ور شد that to flame
That finished inner being ,منیت thay were run TOO.
That finished inner being ,منیت thay were run TOO.
They یه راست to flap the wing’s toward beloved they were creation for to reach .
I think hamrahane noor similar to simorghe atar , 30 morgh that was remain from hundreds morgh , because they were run TOO.
I think hamrahane noor similar to simorghe atar , 30 morgh that was remain from hundreds morgh , because they were run TOO.
I think they don’t tired so much fly until reach to himself .
I have feeling we while arrive to faraway places in ourselves (فقد عرف ربه من عرف نفسه )
I have feeling we while arrive to faraway places in ourselves (فقد عرف ربه من عرف نفسه )
I think we are بال و پر for each other ,
we for to fly awfully needy to each other,
we should sometime’s to save light’s for each other, similar to shohada .....
they were all noor , noori for each other, and this is reason to soar,
they reach from run to fly similar to simorgh if we are good runner’s we’ll can fly
If پرواز کنی, میتونی to return until another person use of نورت but if only run return very hard
If پرواز کنی, میتونی to return until another person use of نورت but if only run return very hard
ولا تحسبن الذین قتلوا فی سبیل الله امواتا بل احیاء............