Dear Haji , Miniature, Leila, Baharnarenj , Branch of Olive , Suzi and other companions
First of all I should really express my pleasure to see you, Haji and miniature, from other mountains with your precious Ganj Naames. The higher I climb , the more interesting stories I am finding. I am really proud of having in hame Hamrahe noor whom LEILA enjoys being with, as well.
First of all I should really express my pleasure to see you, Haji and miniature, from other mountains with your precious Ganj Naames. The higher I climb , the more interesting stories I am finding. I am really proud of having in hame Hamrahe noor whom LEILA enjoys being with, as well.

Then , let’s have a look at this picture drawn by Farshchian, you can see yourselves (HAMRAHAN-E-NOOR) trying to follow Noor to reach the source of Divine , God. We are all struggling to know ourselves and our life and Our beautiful God. To fulfill this desire, we Certainly need to struggle, to climb to the peak of mountains (if you see in picture, all hands are going up to the sky to reach NOOR) . This meaningful struggling to know our BEING is surely magnificent.
HAALA , I want to say my Dard-e-Dels :
Dear Haji, I have passed by that Mentioned mosque for 9 months, twice a week. Although I could walk along other side of street, I preferred to walk from that side near the mosque to hear what they are saying and how they are feeling. Before thinking of any thing , I started imagining that poor guy’s life (HISTORY) from the very first of his/her birth that how much s/he was Aziz (like my lovely nephew , Koorosh whom my family and I love ) and when s/he was grown up , how much s/he was concerned with making a comfortable life ready for their dearest ones, and NOW the only people’s worry who have come to mosque for his/her death is “how they are going to go back home and with whom Ta inke bishtar they see each other” , like the friendly Gathering that Haji mentioned. I was feeling sorry when I saw those people who were sad for just a few minutes but not more than that, without thinking about themselves “why are they Running and for what and have they ever thought about their own Maraseme Khatm ( God forbidden)?” the more I saw those people’s indifference , the more I thought of these Questions “ what is happening to us , Is death going to be forgotten or are we thinking it just happened to that POOR guy but not to us?” My father says always to me “ it is Mostahab for Mo’mens to go to graveyard in order to STOP for a while and think why and for what they are running” and whenever we go to Beheshte Zahra I try to keep myself away from the philosophy of modernity as Branch of Olive is complaining about and find my self in this strange life and after death , KE ALBATE, I had rarely felt such things while I did observing people in front of Amirabad mosque. As miniature said “ Nemidoonam vaghean che serriye...”
In light of what Miniature reminded me of (100zaban’s story about her Aghajoon), I am really concerned with making مثني with people around me to learn more things and have my own Ganj Name instead of having lots of properties which are not Mandegar , AT ALL.
Thank you ALLLLLL especially BaharNarenj whose challengeable story helped us speak more and moreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee……………..