Friday, June 8, 2007


salam to all specially haji
I like writing about death too.
why people don’t think about death even though we belived it?
I think maybe for afraid of it !
Adam’s prefer that forgot it and don’t think that maybe :I’ll بعدی !
When we know don’t have way for runway we prefer that forgot it
And or maybe we have belive because it is in we religion’s but
we don’t have belief (باور) belief very deeply than belive.
And maybe we don’t like think about death because we afraid of to be forgotten
we know all die and their name in the long run is forgotten and adam’s don’t like forgotten
and or maybe we don't satisfy from we run's and we think is need to a long time for change!
But somebody don’t forgot never:
Adam’s very good for example Imam khomeyniره
And adam’s very bad for example Sadam!