Dear friends,
I have not been with you for about one week or maybe more, of course, I read your beautiful and challengeable writings which, I guess, made me think of this question “to which community do I belong and why”?
I, myself, am scared of Death whose different reasons have been discussed here. For me Death is as a hint for living well in order to die well as Ali Shari`ti said "چگونه مردن هم شرطه" so I try to live in a way to get ready for death but not for an ordinary one.
Following what Miniature said, enjoying everything I have and I don’t is one of the best ways for appreciating God. I am not sure how much I can be honest in this case but I try to thank my God with living happily so that I can die happily.
Dear Haji , it is really good that you have this Sa`adat to think of the POOR although there might be some people who are not even aware of this difference between them and the poor as if it is completely natural to have this kind of world. This thought makes you Insha`llah help them with whatever way which is possible even with listening to their DARDs and complains.
The Help should not be necessarily considered with giving financial helps. Sometimes, their tired souls need a good listener to share their problems with him or her.
Last week I had a journey to Kish where I visited a Man, a really Zahmat kesh man , named Mr. Rezaiean born in Hormozgan Province . As he was saying he had to tolerate bad and sometimes terrible condition for surviving and living. I was really feeling sorry for him, for his hard job and for low income he had. I knew well that I have much much muchly more facilities and comfortable life but I couldn’t help him financially due to E`zate Nafs I saw in him.
When we started having trip around island, I found out he was really proud of the history he has and he talked about that with lots of غيرت as if he doesn’t have any problems in his life. I really respected him and showed it with the questions I ask him in ordet to make him ensure that his عزت نفس و غيرت can be compared with nothing in the world . you can’t believe that while he was describing Historical city, Harireh (see the picture) , Green Tree, Kaariz (Ghanaat : the way people used to filter water around 1000 years ago ) , old villages , and their life styles, a woman and her boy were not listening to him at all ( they were talking about their Haida sandwiches) as if he is talking with himself. This is the tragedy about not having that you ,Haji, should be thankful.
The other thing I want to add is some poor people are satisfied with bad conditions they have in life, they may be happy for many things which can’t be understood and felt by us.